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Welcome speeches

Alexander Nikolaevich Mikhailov, Governor of Kursk region, addresses participants of CEF 2013
The first Central Russian Economic Forum highlighted the genuine interest of the business and scientific communities in the matters discussed and proved that the decision to hold the forum annually was correct. This year’s mission is to continue discussing the development trajectories of Central Russia’s regions, with a special focus on the search for highly effective mechanisms of balancing the positive international labor division drivers and the domestic interregional cooperation potential…
Welcome address of S.N. Katyrin, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
For the second time the Forum will assemble representatives of Central Russia’s regions, businessmen, investors and leading experts in Kursk region to exchange their experience in the development of regional economies, enhancement of the investment and business climate, to detect the key issues, and to come up with possible solutions…
Welcome address of Igor Nikolaevich Slyunyaev, Russia’s Minister of Regional Development
Within a short period of time, the Forum has become one of the leading venues for handling social and economic development issues of Central Russia’s regions. Benefiting from advanced research and production capacities, valuable human capital assets and extensive resources, these regions are setting the tone in pinpointing economy modernization and social sphere development trends…