It is my pleasure to welcome you again in our hospitable region where the Third Central Russian Economic Forum is bound to take place on June 20-21, 2014.
In 2013, the Forum was on a significantly greater scale compared with the previous year, reaching around a thousand participants who discussed home market development issues, measures to ensure the food supply security in Russia while working under WTO rules and regulations, topical issues related to the development of the small-scale business segment, the promotion of young people’s initiatives, the environmental security maintenance in Central Russia’s regions.
This year, the main Forum theme refers to the development of human capital, a matter we consider to be of utmost importance. Human capital is the backbone of an innovation-driven and knowledge-driven economy, the next social development stage. Benefiting from the most skilled workforce, the best educational establishments in Russia, the leading R&D institutions, the robust industrial traditions, the historically high cultural standard, Central Russia’s regions may become the engine of a new innovation-based economy.
Today, Russia is built into the global world economic system. Our mission is to ensure the human capital development so as to bring it up to the leading countries’ level. Much has to be done in this respect: we have to adjust the educational system to the requirements of modern hi-tech industries; to restructure the educational programs; to enhance the middle management training system; to extend the application of IT technologies in production workflows and organizational processes; to make working conditions at any workplace as safe and comfortable as possible; to increase the staff mobility, and many other things.
In the modern context, the business community’s social responsibility is of special importance. Many Russian companies build their social policy on the principles to which the leading global corporations have long been committed, providing their employees with a generous package of benefits including both material incentives and various social benefits for them and their families.
There are successfully operating major companies in Kursk region which have been able to offer the most favorable working conditions to their employees by paying respectable wages, building homes for specialists, paying attention to health and performance matters. I am positive that other regions of Russia’s Central Federal District have their own positive track records. Let us share this experience at the Forum!
Migration (including internal migration flows) is one of the key workforce market development factors in any region. Migrants could help solve the labor shortage issue in many places. This approach, however, entails a number of challenges: competence of employees, social adaptation, and housing. Which would be more efficient, to prepare the ground for the local human resources or to absorb the workforce from other regions? The whole range of issues related to this dilemma will be discussed in the business duel format during the Forum. All the parties concerned are welcome to discuss the issues of using the mobilized workforce.
Besides, it is impossible to consider the quality of human capital beyond the context of the spiritual and physical development, and a competent youth policy. We intend to discuss these issues during the topical sessions. I hope that the Forum participants will take interest in other scheduled events including those involving NGO OPORA Russia, nonprofit organization Agency for Strategic Initiatives on New Projects, and Russia’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Business people, scientists, colleagues representing various echelons of public authorities, representatives of investment, consulting companies and NGOs are encouraged to take an active part in the 3rd Central Russian economic forum and the Kursk Korenskaya Fair.
Welcome to Kursk region!
Governor of Kursk region
Alexander Mikhailov